Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Traditional Japanese Stab Binding Pattern

Japanese Stab Binding pattern- Traditional

Here is the Traditional Japanese Stab Binding Pattern
I have already posted the basic method here: Japanese Stab-Binding Tutorial

This pattern is very similar, though it also includes a small squared design on the head and tail of your spine.

What you need:
20-50 sheets of paper (cut to same size, cut to the size you want the book to be)
Heavy weight paper (2 sheets) for front and back covers
Pencil and ruler
leather hole punch or thick nail with a mallet or hammer
Thread (linen thread, yarn. ribbon, embroidery thread, whichever material you prefer for the spine), Yarn darning or tapestry needle, scissors


1. Choose your cover option and the paper for the text pages, decide the size of your book and the number of pages. cut all text pages to size, or start with paper
cut to a standard size. Then cut two pieces of scrap paper to the same size as the text pages, reserving one for a template and the other to place underneath
the text pages to protect them during handling.

2. Using your ruler and pencil, measure 3/8" from the left side of the template and draw a straight line. Measure 3/8" down from the head and make a dot on the previously drawn line. Mark the same point on the bottom of your template. These will be the lowest and highest sewing holes.
Measure 3/4” from the left side of your template and draw another straight line. Measure 3/4” from the head and mark this point on your new line. Repeat the same for the bottom of your template. Measure the distance between these two marks along the line. Divide that distance into equal parts and mark two other points along the line. These marks on the
template show where to punch holes. Depending on the size of your paper, more holes may be used.

3. Line up the text pages, and place them on thick cardboard or a wood board, not on a self-sealing cutting mat, which would become permanently damaged. Put the template on top of the text pages. Punch the holes with the leather hole punch or nail and a small hammer.
With the leather hole punch, punch only twenty pages at a time. If you punch more, the pages-and the holes-will slip out of alignment. Use the template to mark the position of the holes for each lot of twenty pages. Check that each hole goes through all the pages

4. Cut the cover paper to the same size as your text pages. Using the template, punch holes in the covers. Assemble the text pages, and put the covers in position.

To bind:

5. 1 Cut a length of thread or ribbon about 4 ½ times the height of the binding, and thread the needle. Hold the covers and the text pages together, and begin sewing by entering from the back to the front of the third hole (counting from the top) and pull the needle and thread through, leaving 2" of thread at the tail of the book. Thread around the spine, and through the same hole again, coming out the back. Enter the fourth hole from the back, and again wrap around the spine and back through the hole. Repeat the same process for the fifth hole.

6. Now sew into the bottom hole, wrap around the spine and back through the hole, then wrap around the tail of your book and enter back through the hole. Working back up the spine, sew into the fifth hole, wrap around the tail, and enter back through this same hole.

7. Now sew into the next hole up, and since there is already a stitch around the spine, just stitch up to the next hole. The same is true for this hole as well so continue stitching up to the next hole. This hole has an empty edge, so you will wrap around the spine and back through the hole. Now sew into the top hole, wrap around the spine and back through the hole. Now sew around the head and back through the same hole.

8. Now sew into the next hole down, and wrap around the head, then back into the same hole. This is your last stitch, so now tie the ends into a knot, trim off the excess, and use the needle to tuck the knot into the closest hole.


  1. Great post and easy to read directions. Must try this out now.

    Following from Blogging Buddies
